
Power Expansion Pack for MōVI Pro

Clamp Colour
Ignite Orange

The ultimate gimbal power solution!

Power Expansion Pack for MōVI Pro provides multiple power inputs and outputs for any camera and high-draw accessories the Director or DP might throw at you.

The concept is simple:

Source 20-25.5V from the 2-Pin Lemo outputs featured on our TB50 Battery Adapters or TB51 Battery Adapters.

On the housing, two 15V Lemo outputs provide power for your monitor and transmitter.

The included Feed Cable plugs into the 3-Pin output. This socket offers both regulated 15V and unregulated 20-25.5V 🔥 It automatically switches.

The Feed Cable sends that dual-voltage from the spine, down into the camera cage.

From there, connect a 3-Pin Lemo cable to power your camera! See our extensive, ever-growing list below ↓ 

This means no more load issues, cleaner builds and faster Quick Mode Changes!

The housing mounts flush inside the MōVI Pro spine and installation is simple.

Scroll for more info ↓